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S k i p p y
S2 licensed
EDIT: Never mind, didn't notice this thread was a friggin year old.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I used to play LFS and WolfET all the time but haven't touched either in close to 6 months. I've since moved on and I play CoD4 almost every night, play CodWAW once a week or so. I'm now playing the second round closed Beta of BF Heroes. Oh and Trukz get's about 10 minutes a day from me as well.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from TouringBubble :I look forward to getting some races in with you all ...

We'd like to welcome TouringBubble to S3R. He's been a provisional member for almost a month now and today he became a full fledged S3R member. Welcome to the team
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
You guys are comparing apples to oranges. My father used to race in the IHRA. I used to race supercross. Could I get in his car and run his times without any practice? No. Could he jump on my bike and do what I do without any practice? No.

It depends on the person more than anything. Can some people jump in a Top Fuel car and learn faster than others? You bet. The same could be said about F1, NASCAR, USAC, Trophy trucks, you name it. Some people will find certain things easier to learn than others. It really doesn't make anything any better than anything else. It's entirely different monsters.

I also would like to add that Top Fuel this year is estimated more in the range of 8000 - 8500 hp. Just thought I'd point that out.

Just once I'd like to see a thread not turned into an argument about which racing is better. Everybody has their opinion and these arguments won't change anybodies mind. And please stop turning this into a American versus everybody else thing (R-M). You guys have great racing over there and we have what we think is great racing here. As long as everyone is happy then it doesn't matter.

To me, Top Fuel is interesting because they are getting that much power out of a 500ci engine and getting it to the ground. F1 is entertaining because those guys get those cars to corner the way they do. NASCAR is neat because those guys go for such a long time without falling asleep. It all boils down to what you like.

Happy Holidays!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
You have Zlob.Fam

VirusTrigger is a fake program to supposedly get rid of the webmediaviewer stuff.

Arco is correct if it has gotten that far. That is if you did download VirusTrigger. But you will still need to get rid of the original trojan. What I mean is, this is 2 parts. Zlob.Fam came in with WebMediaViwer from downloading an activeX object. VirusTrigger is the second part of this. You may not yet have VirusTrigger. If you do, you will need to get rid of Zlob.Fam and WebMediaViewer first, then follow arco's post to get rid of VirusTrigger.

Your posted files are part of Zlob.Fam that you got by accepting a download of an activeX object to watch a video of some sorts. will give you manual instructions on how to remove it.

If you need more step by step hands on instructions I highly recommend stopping in over at They have an excellent section for Adware/Spyware removal. Lot's of helpful folks there including myself.
Last edited by S k i p p y, . Reason : clarification
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :
The ONLY car in the US market that is still live axle is the Mustang, and that is for nostalgia proposes and to keep costs down. Live axles have not been used in a production car with any type of performance in the states for ages… but hold onto your perceptions, they are extremely accurate and provide useful insight to the US auto market...

Don't go confusing people with facts now.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :finally an american who's talking sense ^^

I should of run for president.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :He is judging cars actions by the way they look. Never mind him.

Yeah sorry. I forgot I have the wrong type of flag next to my name, I'm not allowed to judge anything.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :So it'll do 170mph and have 600hp then, by the time it's finished. And it won't be able to turn at all. Then it'll break down.

No worries. It looks like a Lambo so I'm sure it will catch fire and burn to the ground long before it ever reaches a corner.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Fail, I'm afraid

Thanks, not sure what that was about. I entered it right so ionno. It always sucks when you are trying to be sarcastic and fail instead.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :I agree Sam, the whole idea that the US would have been involved in 911 is as ridiculous as thinking that they would fake an attack on their own ship to get into the Vietnam war, test nuclear weapons on their own population, or that the US President and Britains PM would deliberatly and repeatedly lie to start a war with another country.

Some of those happened even though you put a different slant on them. Your 9/11 theory isn't proven and until it is, you lose.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
You ruined any remote possibility of anybody believing you when you posted that we purposely turned hurricane Erin around. That's so far fetched that it's not even funny.

I like my country and all but let's face it, we aren't organized enough to pull off a conspiracy this big without there being some significant evidence of such. And before you claim any evidence, I want concrete evidence, not this "opinionated evidence from so called specialists that never had a name for themselves before they jumped on the tin foil hat bandwagon" evidence.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Their ettiquette on the road is generally THE best.

I'd like to think that because truckers drive 150,000 miles a year that makes them better drivers. But the truth is that there are a lot of bad ones too. It only takes a few hundred bad ones to make the few million look bad. That's just the way it is with everything. Unfortunately when a truck driver does screw up its usually far more devastating. A guy can fall asleep and run his minivan off the road and nobody cares. A truck driver does it and everybody becomes a critic.
Quote from BlueFlame :Sometimes obviously there are complete idiots who just seem to ignore that there are even other cars on the road, like this idiots who sit in the middle lane and stab their brakes instead of lifting off the throttle to reduce their speed back to the speed limit.... I really hate the UK for these type of drivers. I despise them. I wish they all died. Get to the left lane for **** sake.

This isn't unique to anywhere. There's terrible drivers everywhere. I've never driven in the UK so I can't compare, but if they are anything like they are here then I feel for you, I really do.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Electric Eye :Well the most fun part is being stuck behind a sports car which ain't even reaching the road speed limit!

Yep and inevitably they are always left lane campers and won't move over. Heh, what are you gonna do?
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Electric Eye :Also I'm kinda of confused about the truck speed limits. Everyone keeps on talkin about doing 70-80 mph, but ain't that only for passenger cars? Wiki seems to think that trucks have speed limit of 55mph as far as I can understand.

The only 55mph that I know of in the US is in the state of California. Most of the rest of the southwest is 75mph on the interstate. For trucks and cars. Obviously there are places even on the interstate when you get near towns that the speed drops down but for the most part it's 75mph.

Quote from Electric Eye :Uh little fact, (remember someone discussing about how many accidents are cause by retarded drivers.) "Two thirds (67%) of truck/passenger car crashes are the fault of the passenger vehicle."

Thanks, last I heard it was 70%, seems the cars are 3% less at fault than they used to be. Still doesn't change the fact that statistics say that people driving cars are more dangerous than semis.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
First of all, I'm pro gun. But this guy was a complete tool. He's the type that ruins it for everybody else. I'm not sure what kind of idiot would fire through his door on Halloween. We do need stricter laws over here so people like him can't get guns. As a matter of fact, he shouldn't have had a gun in the first place regardless of the 2nd amendment. He was a Ex-convict. Ex-cons can't own guns.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Australia wins.

Actually road trains are legal in some states here. Hauling 2 and 3 trailers and 130,000. But as far as the normal stuff goes, Australia wins hands down. They have some serious trucks there.

Quote :We find 12 mpg disappointing from a ten year old 28 ton laiden tractor/trailer, admittedly you're probably carrying a lot more unlaiden weight and a heavier load. Having said that it is nothing compared to the 7.5 ton converted skip truck, completely unsuited to motorway running, delivering 6 mpg at a 1000 rpm, into the red at about 55 mph.

I can't really compare. We haul 40 tons and 7mpg is our average. The point I was making though was that 7mpg with 700HP was pretty good. At least by our truck standards. The EU have always had us beat in efficiency.

Just curious, what's a skip truck?
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :You can drive trucks at 80 mph? :O

Over here they are only allowed to drive 80 kmh and have limiters at 90 (but of course everyone always runs against the limiter non-stop).

Most of our interstates speeds are 75mph and they don't bother you unless you are over 85mph.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote :That is actually quite close what the best Scania engines do. Can you post some more names of these trucks or so, could be interesting to learn more.

Forgot many European trucks use Cummins engines. Which are American, and one of the best there are.

By the way, what is the maxinum allowed weight and the length for a truck over there?

Finally someone who doesn't want to argue j/k

The major brand trucks over here are Peterbilt and Kenworth which are competitors but are both made by Paccar. Stupid huh?

Other major brands are Freightliner, Volvo, Mack, International.

Volvo makes their own engines now. Mack also makes their own.

The big 3 engine manufacturers here are Cummins, Caterpillar, and Detroit.

Cummins is big over there. But I'm sure there are some emissions differences between the EU and the US engines. Yours are probably more effiecient simply because they have to be to meet your standards. Which is a good thing.

Weights and lengths vary by state. That too is stupid because you go from state to state and your rules can change. The majority of states have a maximum 80,000# gross weight and a 75 foot length. But you can permit in those states to haul more.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Anybody can run that distance per day on American roads!
I would LOVE to see your American Trucker buddies get anywhere NEAR that figure driving in Europe...Heck, I will bet that they would find it IMPOSSIBLE to cover 250 miles of MOTORWAY (Freeway, to you!) in the legal time limit.. depending on which roads they were on! (Currently 9 hrs per day..may be increased to 10 hours 3 times per week)

EVERY WEEK in the UK we see mega carnage caused by "Hard Working" truckers who think they are superman and can drive 14 hours a day...a lot of them end up DEAD! (http://www.thisislocallondon.c ... =complain&cid=7286116)
This particular accident caused the majority of the area northwest of London to become totally gridlocked for most of the day..and I had to try and work through it..I was well happy, I can assure you!
I have been a professional driver (Trucks as well as buses) for over 20 years.. and I have a special name for those great people that can cover 1000 miles a day without sleep.

I call them "STUPID WANKERS!"

As for the OP's has quite a lot to do with EU regulations concerning the maximum length of articulated vehicles... a shorter cab means that the semi-trailer can be longer, and that means more carrying capacity..which is what the job is all about!

We'd probably get lost on your jacked up roads over there. So you probably got me there. However, over here where a truck can run 80mph for 10 hours on the Interstate, it's not impossible to cover 700 or 800 miles in 10 - 12 hours. I've gone 14 years accident free. My employees have gone the last 6 years I've been in business accident free. So if you think I'm a wanker for following our rules and doing everything right and still getting the miles in then I only have one thing to say - actually, it will get me banned so never mind. But hey thanks for calling me a wanker and its not my fault you guys can't stay alert for more than 14 hours. Just kind of proves my point though.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :no thanks i see enough idiots on the road while going/coming to/from work..

Well that's a given in the US anyway. Nobody can drive for shit here. Especially in Jersey. I feel for you.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :is it why they crash a lot eh? dont tell me shit i live in the usa,i see what i see.

BS. Trucks have 10% the crash rate as cars. Of those 10% of truck crashes, 70% of those are caused by cars initiating the crash. You need to get out more if you live here.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I really like how the movie industry (hollywood) thoroughly support that mental image

Hollywood is crap. You can't base anything about anybody or any country on what Hollywood says. Here or abroad.